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Here we are in new era where technology is overcoming the human resources. We are going to have a look about Chat bots which is making the new trend over last few years in the tech world.

Have any one wondered what is Chat bots? Everyone at times would have seen a window popup in websites which answers your queries. That is Chabot! To make it simple Chat bots are software programs where you can interact with them like normal text messaging with other person on other end despite of where you are. When there is customer service or information acquisition there is the place where chat bots are applied practically.

Ease of usage, reliability and need of service makes chat bots to be the trend in tech world. Reach ability of services at anywhere anytime also made this popular on market. Do you remember last time you went out without a mobile? Hopefully it would be so long. All social sites, website and blogs can be accessed from mobile yet Chabot services are also available for you in hand. When the technology is applied at right place which in turn reaches more people that counts the popularity among the market. We are going to see the areas where these services are applied likewise.

Retail services

As we are in holiday session it is a shopping period. Navigation through crowd, getting new arrivals and updates in clothes and accessories deciding where to go what to buy would be easier with services from retail shops. Yes, online shops are building their own Chabot services for better understand of customer needs and maintaining good relationship.

As we are in holiday session it is a shopping period. Navigation through crowd, getting new arrivals and updates in clothes and accessories deciding where to go what to buy would be easier with services from retail shops. Yes, online shops are building their own Chabot services for better understand of customer needs and maintaining good relationship.

In turn it also adds an advantage to the retailers, with new ideas and recommendations from customer directly they can update their products with unique designs which increase their market value.

Making Payment Easier

Including payment process in chat app is the next key to be the trend. Banking industry and financial services are regulating chat bots for their customers. Modern financial institutions know the customers no need to drive to bank for payment or filling forms and other paper statements.

Chabot services are allowing to process payments. Handling cash transaction within few clicks from their place would be greater for customer. Only some of Chabot with payments are in practical for now.

Health Tips

Some medical fields in US and UK are integrating chat bots with messenger to help people with medical needs and information. Through this, customers can get immediate response when there is an emergency need. Even they can look after doctors available near them. Paying customers can also use the ability to consult with live doctors.

Bots the future

New generation of bots are almost entering into all areas where they can reach people easily. Spending more time on messaging apps is pretty much in this time and there it is where new bots are integrated. Bots are going to be in large chat apps and social sites almost making available information at customer desk.

Yet Artificial Intelligence is maturing technology bots has become available widely for corporations and developers. Thus to increase productivity, areas where bots are to be applied would range almost in all commercial industries.

Want to build your own chatbot. Stuck in the middle or something not working as expected. Get training from the experts now GetStarted

Step by step guide to build your first chatbot using free E-book “Introduction to building chatbots using” available for download, Click here to download yours

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